PTE is a test for non-native English speakers; it is one of the most important English proficiency tests taken by aspirants for admission to universities across the world, including countries like Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK and the USA. PTE Academic score is accepted for admission to prominent universities like Harvard, Yale and INSEAD amog others.
PTE is a three-hour long online test and is made up of three main parts: speaking and writing (together), listening and reading. Before taking PTE Academic, you need to know the test and develop strategies to answer the questions. You must be familiar with the test format, timings, key test tips and practice for the 20 different task types. including multiple-choice, essay writing, and interpreting information.
ESC PTE Academic Crash Preparation
ESC offers a 30-hour preparation program specifically designed to help you get prepared soon to sit in PEARSON PTE Academic Test. Our experienced tutors understand well how to lead you to your expected result. The fee for this program is as follows:
Home Private Tutoring
> Regular, 1 – 2x a week, Rp. 8.000.000,
> Intensive, 3 – 4x a week, Rp. 9.000.000,-
> Accelerated, everyday, Rp. 10.000.000,
At ESC Office
> Regular, 1 – 2x a week, Rp. 6.000.000,-
> Intensive, 3 – 4x a week, Rp. 7.000.000,-
> Accelerated, everyday, Rp. 8.000.000,-
The class duration: 10 sessions per package, 3 hours per session
Need further info, contact us immediately at WA 0812 8498 9069
Keuntungan les PTE di ESC
- Jadwal fleksibel, disesuaikan dengan available time Anda
- Private one-on-one, bisa di ESC atau di rumah Anda
- Durasi singkat, hanya 30 jam/paket; bisa diselesaikan dalam 1 minggu atau 2 minggu
- Langsung belajar trik dan strategi bagaimana mengerjakan test dengan baik dan cepat. Check testimoni
- Tutor berpengalaman, lebih dari 20 tahun mengajar bahasa Inggris
- Materi lengkap, termasuk software PTE
Silahkan cek format test PTE disini
PTE Equivalent Scores